Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Identities: Feminist theory and blog task

1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?

The clothes Beyonce was dressed in also added to the olden time look editing and effects used to make it look as though it was filmed in the 60's. 

2) Would McRobbie view Beyonce as an empowering role model for women? Why?

video reinforces this idea as Beyonce is seen to be dresses in sexual clothing. However this video does have two perspectives because the other side that Beyonce is portrayed as is as a housewife, McRobbies wouldn't think this empowering it is reinforcing traditional values.

3) What are your OWN views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ (Mulvey)?

This video does reinforce the male gaze as a semi-naked women in a music video would appeal to most men but it does empower women because the majority audience for this video would be females and the lyrics for the song is made to empower other females and the dressing up to 'impress' men may not be the only option for Beyonce as it is another empowering technique. 

Friday, 10 February 2017


·         There is a lot to credit here: many excellent quote clearly some very good research, thoughtful ideas and some moments of critical autonomy. Lots of potential to add two grades to this (only one mark from a c!)
·         Written English is concerning: grammar and sentence structure. Look at the errors highlighted on the first page- not good enough for A2 standard.
·         Focus on the question drift in places. You very rarely discuss the second part of your question: impact on audiences. Be careful your textual analysis doesn’t just end up being description – the first Dope scene paragraph is solid but later you just tell me the story.
·         You are missing media theory: where is post-colonial theory? Alvarado? Fanon? Y12 representation theories: Dyer? Medhurst? Perkins? So much to add here!
·         Too much New/digital media with no real link to the question. Cut it to one paragraph and replace it with a strong section on representation theory and black stereotype.
·         You need to learn to introduce quotes. This includes who said/wrote it and the general point the making.

·         Although your quotes are good, you don’t have enough research (Footnotes or Bibliography) to reach the top level. Simple: you need more research!

Friday, 3 February 2017


1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?
music video we recreated shows the representation of young black males. We felt that this would link to our investigations as we investigated the representation of different ethnic minority groups.

2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?
casting  main difficulty we faced and finding the right people to help us shoot the recreation. This was the case as it was hard to rely on people to turn as this recreation required more than 10 people to be in the video.

3) What are the strengths of the production?
we tried followed the same choreography and movement in the video.

4) What aspects would you look to improve?
We would look to improve some of the costume.

5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?
Being able to work at all times and producing at a high quality because of the camera settings. Also, we need to makes sure that the people we need are reliable and will turn to the shooting sessions we do in the course of producing our main production.

6) Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.
We'll be creating a music video with three different running narratives of three protagonists from different ethnic minorities and the decisions they make that will define their character. I am quite confident of delivering this piece of work we get everything right in terms of casting. This is essential as we need these characters to come to life.